How to play?
Game modes
• There currently are 4 game modes: Parimutuel, Fantasy Coach, Betonomics and Arbiter. Game modes Parimutuel and Fantasy Coach are currently available only for super-testers.
• To choose a game mode use the menu on the left.
• Betonomics is a mode that allows users to create their own events that are not available on the platform, and reward event creators, event participants, and arbiters. Event creators are responsible for creating the event by providing details such as the name, description, participants, and date. They receive 4% of the total amount of bets made on the event as a reward for their work. Participants of the event can bet on the outcome of the event and the amount of money they want to bet. Participants who bet on the correct outcome of the event receive winnings. Arbiters are responsible for verifying the outcome of the event, and they receive 6% of the total amount of bets made on the event as a reward for their work.
Only events with public outcomes should be created as betonomics events. This allows all arbiters to verify the outcome of the event. For example, football matches or political events with publicly available outcomes are good candidates for betonomics events. Private events, such as bets between two friends, are not good candidates for betonomics events. If an event is not satisfying the above criteria, it will be removed from the platform.
As an example, if a user creates an event for the next US presidential election, and during its time on the platform, the event gathers $1000 in bets. The event creator will receive 4% of that amount, which is $40. Arbiters who verified the outcome of the event will share 6% of that amount, which is $60. The remaining $900 will be distributed among the participants who bet on the correct outcome. It should be noted that creators and arbiters can also bet on the event themselves.
To create an event you need to:
1. Open the ‘Your Events‘ tab and click on ‘Create New Betonomics Event‘.

2. Enter all the required information about the event, including the name, description, participants, date, and any other relevant details. Make sure to use the platform time when creating the event.

3. Click ‘Create‘ to finalize the event. Confirm the transaction in your web3 extension. Wait for the event to appear on the platform, which should take around 30 seconds. In rare cases, it may take up to 15 minutes.
To bet on Betonomics event you need to:
1. Click on ‘Betonomics‘ in the menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Select the desired event from the list of available events and expand it by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the event.

3. Choose the outcome of the event and the amount of money you want to bet. Press the ‘Submit‘ button to confirm your bet. After pressing ‘Submit‘ you will be asked to confirm the transaction first in a pop-up window from the platform and then in your web3 extension.

To arbiter a Betonomics event you need to:
1. Click on ‘Arbiter‘ in the menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Select the desired event from the list of available events and expand it by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the event.

3. Select the outcome of the event and press ‘Submit‘ to confirm.

Start playing!